Summer Game Fest Preview: Delta Force: Hawk Ops

By Alex Orona

Bringing the series back from its 2003 predecessor.  Delta Force: Black Hawk Down becomes  Delta Force: Hawk Ops from Team Jade. A tactics FPS shooter that remakes the original campaign but also brings it to the modern era with its Battlefield inspired PVP mode, as well as an extraction shooter mode more akin to Escape from Tarkov. 

I got hands on time with Delta Force: Hawk Ops and I can say, it’s quite the impressive package deal. In the PVP mode, I was only able to play the defend attack territorial mode and it was fantastic. They really captured that feel of a few feet of land meant everything. You are clinging desperately for every push. One well timed grenade could mean the entire match. I was excited after every respawn to jump back into the match ASAP, and luckily its a quick turnaround. There were four operators in this build and each one felt significantly different while still feeling familiar. There was a tank, two damage dealers and a medic. Each having merits to them, while still remaining viable in a match. 

Then in the extraction mode, scrounging for every piece of tech that could be sold for profit felt tight. Specifically knowing that if you die, you lost it all, creating a perfectly tense atmosphere. The shooting was precise, with little to no bullet drop but the amount of customization will appease any true military enthusiast. There are even sliders that will adjust the weight and accuracy down to centimeters, for those really wanting to get into the nitty gritty but be clear, this is Tarkov to a T with its nuanced menu system and making every bullet count sensibilities. Especially with how you have to manage your inventory down to the bullet. 

I wasn’t able to get hands on with the campaign but with the gunplay feeling so honed in, I feel confident that this will be a good one to keep an eye on. Also there’s a closed beta coming in July so keep an eye out for Steam sign ups, and give this one a try.

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